Welcome to our Huntersville 2 Haiti Blog

Our last trip back to Bayonnais in Haiti to work with our friends at OFCB Ministries was postponed due to the Earthquake.

We are planning on sending a bus load of supplies in the coming weeks and hopefully heading back to Haiti in the Summer or Fall. Let us know if you are interested in helping out.


For nearly two centuries, subsistence farming has characterized the livelihood of 80,000 people in rural Bayonnais, Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere. This is not uncommon. Following colonial independence in 1804, former slaves exercised newfound freedom by cultivating their own land in the countryside. Today, OFCB (Organization of the Christian Force of Bayonnais), a ministry founded in 1993 through the vision of five inspired individuals, provides this generation with a new opportunity: education. Subjects such as history, biology, language arts, social science, philosophy, and visual art are now available to this community for the first time. Adults and children comprise a student body that has grown from 103 to 1460, and for many, the rice and beans served at lunch may be the only substantial meal they eat all day. Not only have national exam scores been some of the highest in the region, OFCB has sent 20 students to Haitian colleges! In an effort to stimulate long-term development, the college scholarship program stipulates that each student return to OFCB upon graduation to serve the community for 10 to 15 years, depending upon the field of study. One college graduate has become a doctor, currently in residency, and will return to start Bayonnais’ first health clinic! Deep in the heart of a country plagued by extreme poverty, political violence and corruption, the people of Bayonnais are finding new hope.

Friday, December 7, 2007


G-Gabelo-De-Jo-Ob -G-Gabelo-De-Jo-Ob-Goo job- Goo job...
We're not sure the translation...but it simply sounds like "JOY," as everything we see and hear in Bayonais seems to translate to joy in our ears!

HEY, this is Ron here chiming into this blog entry with a last minute update - Kelli and Jenny were the authors of this entry and had been enjoying this fun, joyful Haitian song . . . only to find out today that it was an English song - It seems that "G double O D J-O-B" actually spells "Good Job." So we are learning a little French, a little Creole, and now, even a little English. We have laughed a lot about this.

At first glance, given the surroundings and dismal circumstances, one would never expect to find such contentment and pure delight in the children's eyes, in their conversations, and in the many games seen played across the OFCB campus today.

We had the opportunity to present small bibles to all of the elementary aged children today. The word quickly spread throughout the village, as adults and other students from neighboring schools made their way to the church hoping for a bible of their own. What we found amazing was that each child left the school with their bibles - not one was left behind or forgotten!

At the end of the day as Jenny cleaned out her pockets, we noticed the torn tattered note pad...with many notes and phrases captured from her many exchanges. Many children were seen throughout the day writing their names on her pad or helping Jenny spell creole or french words she wanted to remember. The children took great delight in teaching us words, and had such fun laughing as they taught us their hand rhymes and songs.

The children and adults not playing soccer or doing hand games could be found helping the guys build the benches. The young children carried lumber and bench frames across the yard to make the work easier. At the end of the day we tallied 41 completed benches....only 57 to go!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going well. We're praying for you guys.

best wishes
mike dorcas

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Ron,
Sounds like things are going great! Steve and I have been praying for all of you! What an awesome experience! Tell Aaron and Aunt Kel hi!
Love you!
Steve and Rachel

Anonymous said...

The joy that I see in those children's and adult's eyes is priceless! I am praying for you and your team continuously and am sure that the Lord has hand picked just the right people to be there! What an awesome picture of God's love in action.

Susan D.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear benches are getting made. I am enjoying the grandboys. We pray for all of you daily. Love to all!

Don Nail said...

Hey Ron and Kelli,

So glad to hear that your trip was so rewarding. We're also glad everyone is home safely. We've enjoyed keeping up with your trip through the pictures and logs. The pictures of the children are absolutely beautiful! The happy faces are a testiment to God's work over there. We could all learn from them how to rejoice in our circumstances! How neat that y'all had the opportunity to meet new brothers and sisters in the Lord and help the children with their school! We can't wait to hear all your stories. It is so obvious that God was definitely in all the details of your trip!

Take care,

Donnie and Diana